Wednesday, January 23, 2013

In thick or thin. (whichever is the bad one)

In disasters many people throw aside the safety of themselves to save others lives. But I think most would not. When we look at the news and see people saving lives, it is like seeing your neighbors lawn, all we see are the blades of grass, the good people risking their lives, but we don't see the dirt, the people who ran, who could not help, or decided it was not worth it. I believe there are too many bad, selfish people to think most people would help. I think about a third of people would help.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Portal with Newton

If I could do anything with any person, alive or dead, I would play the portal series with Sir Isaac Newton. I think it would be both hilarious watching him fuss with the controls at first, wondering what the Xbox controller was, getting him acclimated to playing with a controller. It would be awesome to see him struggle to understand what the portals are, then trying to explain it would be a pain (but totally worth it.) He could play by himself and I would silently laugh my butt off watching him play. Then enjoy playing co-op portal with him, working together to kick Glados' butt out this universe. We would talk about Apertures (openings or pOrtals.) And then, if we could do another, we would watch Pacific Rim, because it is like they took that movie premise out of my subconscious and then added a cherry on top.