Friday, February 15, 2013

High School, In A Nutshell

I am in 10th Grade, or in other words, I am a sophomore in High School. I go to a program that allows high schoolers to take college classes at the same time as high school classes. I am currently in an advanced math class compared to my peers, it is a college course, and currently, my only college class. I am in regular classes other than that, and am also taking Spanish 2. In High School there is a great capacity for struggles, yet an even larger capacity for accomplishments, in order to succeed at the incredible task, you have to have an incredible amount of goals to achieve.

I have had many struggles with school. I have no motivation for school stuff, which mostly stems from a mixture of boredom, and hatred of authority (at least those who misuse it.) I also always forget the homework I receive. I always convince myself I will remember it with my brain, but it is a LIE. I get distracted by the rest of the day, and forget what it was about, I usually remember there was homework, I just do not remember what it was. I have issues with orders, because it seems like I an being forced to respect someone else, when they do not respect me enough to ask, or even explain why most of the time. It takes the same amount of time to ask, and it is incredibly rude not to ask or explain why. When

I have had academic accomplishments too. When I was in 1st Grade I was the only 1st grader so I was taught 2nd Grade material for my schools ease. I skipped 2nd Grade as a result. Recently I had a 3.1 gpa for last semester. I haven't accomplished that much else recently, due to my aforementioned struggles.

I have many aspirations for my academic future. I would like to get all A's and B's for my next quarter. By all A's and B's, I mean all A's and one B (English probably) I would also like to learn how to remember what my homework is. I would do much better if I remembered my homework. I would also like to have more fun this semester because part of why I did badly is that I was so bored. I think if I have more fun I will be more motivated to do this sort of thing at home.

No one is perfect, and neither am I, I have my struggles, and my accomplishments. I acknowledge my faults and resolve to change them, I will make my faults into strengths, or work around them. In the end I can only say this, school is a veritable breeding ground for accomplishments and struggles, and tiny goals are what make it possible.