Saturday, May 18, 2013

Companionship = Important

Companionship is incredibly important in humans for a multitude of reasons. For one, there is a definite evolutionary advantage to living in groups, because it fosters a feeling of safety we are not able to have by ourselves. A perfect example of this is Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory,even though he could afford to live by himself, but he doesn't because he seeks companionship and a feeling of safety. Another way companionship is important is that it is a distraction from the bad events in our lives. I do not know a single person who does not remember a time in their life when they could not have made it through without a friend there to help. Companionship keeps us happy and healthy, which leads me to my next reason which is: Companionship keeps people healthy, mentally and sometimes physically. Mentally, friends keep us from being overcome by our insecurities and fears, they keep us from falling in to the abyss of insanity that lies beyond our fears. Monk from the TV show Monk is a perfect example of someone who has been overcome by his fears, and he can not live a normal life because of them. On the physical side of keeping us healthy, just google ways to stay motivated to workout, and right up there, at the top of the list is: workout with a friend. Working out with a friend ensures that people stay motivated, and work harder (if they are competitive).