Thursday, November 29, 2012

If I could live anywhere.

If I could live anywhere I would live on the International Space Station. I would live there because everything up there is just beautiful. I could stare out the window at the cosmos for hours and then stare out a different window at Earth. I could go on spacewalks. I could fix telescopes and satellites in my spacesuit. I could operate robots with a computer. I could work with giant humanoid robots. I could mess around with the robots. I could research the effects of low gravity on animals, chemicals, even fire. I could research the cosmos. I could sleep whenever I like. I could eat whatever I’d like. I could Skype my friends and family. I could play catch with an astronaut as the ball. I could float around the place like a balloon. I could chase floating M&M’s and catch them in my mouth. I could do anything. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Terry Pratchett, an excellent review, by Anakin Ligman

My favorite author is hands down Terry Pratchett, he is an excellent satirist, (in other words, he makes fun of things) he is incredibly creative, and great with words. When i was introduced to his writing with the book Hogswatch, I fell in love with his writing, I laughed the whole time I read, in fact my mom yelled at me because I was reading until 3 in the morning. Of all his books, I really enjoy the Discworld series, which is technically 39 books. The Discworld Series is a set of smaller series on a world called Discworld, a spinning disc on the back of four elephants on the back of a giant sea turtle that swims through space. My favorite series is the Samuel Vimes series, and my favorite book of this is Night Watch. Samuel Vimes' wife is about to go in labor and Vimes, the head of City Watch, chases a serial killer named Carcer to the top of the University, and a lightning strike hits the Library, causing the immense magic to send the both of them 30 years to the past, where he takes the place of his mentor in the City Watch, on the day of the Revolution of Ankh-Morpork. He goes to the wizards to send him back home, but before he can contact them he is sent to jail by the younger him. He has to protect his younger self, survive the revolution and get home before his wife has his child, did I mention that Carcer is there and is determined to stop him.