Thursday, November 29, 2012

If I could live anywhere.

If I could live anywhere I would live on the International Space Station. I would live there because everything up there is just beautiful. I could stare out the window at the cosmos for hours and then stare out a different window at Earth. I could go on spacewalks. I could fix telescopes and satellites in my spacesuit. I could operate robots with a computer. I could work with giant humanoid robots. I could mess around with the robots. I could research the effects of low gravity on animals, chemicals, even fire. I could research the cosmos. I could sleep whenever I like. I could eat whatever I’d like. I could Skype my friends and family. I could play catch with an astronaut as the ball. I could float around the place like a balloon. I could chase floating M&M’s and catch them in my mouth. I could do anything. 

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