Friday, March 1, 2013

To lie or not to lie? That is the question.

In extreme situations a lie can be better than the truth. In most cases, however, it is still much better to lie. Lies may cause a loss of trust for people, but when it comes down to it, a white lie can protect somebody's feelings, and considering how feelings are being put forth as very important (for some reason), it is much better to lie than be ostracized for telling the truth. In my opinion, a possible loss of trust is an acceptable loss for not being insulted and generally better liked by most people. For instance, if someone asks if I like their outfit, but I think it is the most ugly, disgusting outfit I have ever seen, I would still say I like it, because I would be considered a complete jack wagon if I told the truth, and then the truth still would not have done anything.

1 comment:

  1. I understand what you mean when talking about what someone is wearing, but what about an extreme situation?
