Friday, September 7, 2012

My Name is alright, I guess

My Name
I’m annoyed by my first name,
Every time I’m met with the same,
A corny joke,
It makes my head smoke!
I think it is totally lame.

My middle name’s not all that bad,
It was the name of my dad’s dad.
I hear he was a serious man,
My dad was his biggest fan.
I think the name James is rad.

My middle name would’ve been Mercury,
He was a messenger, always in a hurry.
My parents realized it would be weird,
When one friend interfered.
He was known for calming others fury.

My last name comes from a town in Germany.
Surrounded by forests imbued with fervency,
Started in the days of monarchy,
When king was head of the hierarchy.
Yet my name does have a harmony.

My family has a tradition of initials,
Our initials spell out words, mine spell agile.
Our personalities are unremitting,
We unfortunately, keep forgetting.
I have to admit, it’s sometimes beneficial.


  1. i liked the rhyming!!!!!!! GO ANAKIN!!! :D

    1. Ohhhh and your name is a good name!! i like it

  2. I really like how you talked about your grandpa and the history of your name. It was such a great poem!(:

  3. That was awesome I didnt know your last name was a town in germany, how cool.

  4. The words you rhymed were very interesting! I'm not sure if i would have thought to use words like t you did ! Creative!

  5. the rhymes were all like goood and stuff loved em! you are so cool lil dude keep up the good work and love your name because that means you love yourself :)

  6. I loved the ryhming in the poem! It was great! And by the way I like the name "Anakin." :)

  7. That was really nice. I liked how you described where each name came from and stated your opinions about youre name.

  8. Wooww that was really good!! I loved how you included your father and his father.. I liked it so much!!

  9. An akin,
    I love that you used a limerick for you poetic form! Great job and great rhymes.

  10. I liked how you made a rhyme scheme with it and how you used words that were big. your poem was great

  11. I liked that you did not just use your first name, but explained all of them. That, and you explained how you were named and the changes that occured, plus why they named you as such.

  12. I loved how you rhymed. The middle name Mercury would have been awesome though. Great job and AWKWARD CLOSENESS.

  13. I like how you started off saying how you did like your name, but then continued on to your actual feelings and details. And I also like your rhyme scheme. Nice (:

  14. amazing job!I liked the words that you used

  15. Cool rhyme scheme and the different tone to the poem was cool too.

  16. Wow! I didn't know you had it in ya!
    That was awesome Anakin!
    You're deff my liddo buddy, I'm proud of you, you did very well!
    The rhyming was exciting! :)

  17. I like yours it was alot of detail all raped up in one. I love your rhythm and I enjoyed your sense of humor. Great Job Anakin :))))))))
