Friday, September 21, 2012

The One Thing I Value Most In Life

What I value most in life is electricity; electricity helps me in every single part of my day. Electricity powers my TV, which entertains me when I am bored, lulls me to sleep when I am tired and distracts me when I am scared. Electricity powers my computer and it helps me learn, I can find anything I want to know at any time anywhere if I want to. My computer lets me talk to my friends without actually needing to talk to them, which is great for when it hurts to talk. It entertains me, it lets me play games, I can watch TV shows using Netflix and Hulu Plus. It helps me do my work, because my handwriting is so terrible, I have failed assignments, but with my computer, I have never had anyone be unable to read my work. Electric lamps let me stay up later and wake up earlier, by letting me be able to see.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful of run on sentences. These can make your writing confusing.
