Monday, October 1, 2012

I Speak Da Interwebs

Herpderp the herp flerp.
That translates to: I do not think the government should provide daycare centers to working parents. The government does not have the money for it, and it is abundantly obvious people do not want to pay for schools, let alone free daycare. People will almost never willingly raise taxes, they have the power to reject it and they do. If the government has daycare centers then they are at risk for the giant lawsuits that people have because their kid fell and got hurt. If the working parents are taken care of in this way by the government, the government would be wasting the money it does not have, and probably will not have in the near future. Also, that takes away money from the american people in a much different way, not only does it take away relatively good babysitters jobs, it also takes away money from nanny services.

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