Thursday, October 18, 2012

Regrets? Psh! Not From This Guy!

If I could change one thing in my life that has happened, I would change whatever gave me the choice to change things in my past. I do not need to change anything that has happened in my life, nor do I want to. I am the way I am because of every event in my life, and it has been a pretty good one so far and I like the way my life is going. So I would not change anything, because if I am not happy with my past, I am not happy about your life. Life is too long nowadays to spend the whole time regretting things, so I would not change a thing. My life is good and I can acknowledge that because of the adversity I have faced, and it is why I am here now. Without anything bad in life it is impossible to feel the goodness in it, and this is a FACT! So I would not change a single thing, even if I could.

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