Thursday, September 13, 2012


   Over the summer I did a lot of things, but what I liked the most was Pedal to the Point. I trained all summer, riding my bike altogether way too much, considering the fact that many people think that they cant even do a mile on a bike.
   My mom, unfortunately ended up having an allergy attack on the ride and we could only do half of the ride, we rode past a field getting mowed and my mom got a lungful. She's allergic to a kind of grass that only grows in Ohio, Michigan, and Kentucky. Even though thirty-five/thirty-six miles is still a lot, I had a ride that was longer than that when I was training. I was really disappointed, because even though I did a lot, I finished on last years ride and I felt like I had failed. It was just like before I got in to ECHS they made me take the math compass test (I had already done Algebra 1 and Geometry, but they wanted me to take the compass test) and I failed, horribly. The lady in the offices had told me they wanted me to take math 021, remedial math, because I got seven questions, two of which were Algebra 1, the rest being varying levels of trigonometry, calculus and more. I felt so bad I wanted to just break down and cry right there, but my Aunt talked to me and told me that her entire group of PSEO classmates failed that test, and my Mom failed it and then went on to ace a statistics test. I plan on doing Pedal to the Point next year, but I will finish next time, with someone else riding with me instead.
   Looking back on this and reading it over, I just realized my summer was terrible if this is my best memory.


  1. having a terrible summer is a terrible thing anakin :(
