Friday, October 26, 2012

What if money were no object (after apple picking is the poem i reference)

Everyone has dreams, something they want to do in life more than anything, but a lot of people don’t go through with it and follow their dreams. But what if money was no object? If money was no object, what would people do with their lives? I like to think that life would be different and people would follow their dreams, but that’s malarkey, a lot of life would be the same, except power is what people strive for (which is what people want now anyways) because money and power are both too ingrained as something that is more important than anything for them to just be thrown out. Some things would never get done, because no one wants to do it and without money as an incentive, no one would do it, nobody likes fixing the sewers or being a garbage man and no one will do it. After Apple Picking is a poem about regrets, sadness, and death, and Robert Frost conveys these emotions through the use of symbolism.
            In his poem Frost uses symbolism to help the reader understand what will happen if you don’t do what you want and live your life creating regrets. Frost says in his poem, “And there’s a barrel I didn’t fill/ beside it and there maybe two or three/ apples I didn’t pick upon some bough.” (3-4-5) In this the apples symbolize chances, chances he didn’t take but probably should have. It goes along with the theme of regrets in that he is sad that he didn’t take the chances those apples symbolize. But if these chances are ruined, what will happen?
            The poem is all about chances and which ones haven’t been taken or ruined. Frost states, “No matter if bruised or spiked with stubble/ went surely to the cider heap/ as of no worth.” (34-35-36) In these lines he means, even if it isn’t ruined or there is even a chance to take it again, it is worthless for him. These chances are gone, even if they aren’t really.
            This poem is all about the road not taken (other Frost reference FTW) and how your life is when you dwell on your regrets, and he uses symbolism to convey the emotions that arise. It is important to understand the message of Frost’s poem so that you know not to have regrets in life because it haunts your dreams, ruins your waking day. If money wasn’t an object I’d do the same thing I plan to now, become an astronaut and research the effects of low gravity on things.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Regrets? Psh! Not From This Guy!

If I could change one thing in my life that has happened, I would change whatever gave me the choice to change things in my past. I do not need to change anything that has happened in my life, nor do I want to. I am the way I am because of every event in my life, and it has been a pretty good one so far and I like the way my life is going. So I would not change anything, because if I am not happy with my past, I am not happy about your life. Life is too long nowadays to spend the whole time regretting things, so I would not change a thing. My life is good and I can acknowledge that because of the adversity I have faced, and it is why I am here now. Without anything bad in life it is impossible to feel the goodness in it, and this is a FACT! So I would not change a single thing, even if I could.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Wub wub wub

My favorite kind of music is dubstep, because it is rhythmic and primal, and it just feels good to listen to dubstep. When I hear dubstep, it is just unreal, and feels right. Most dubstep songs don’t have words (not many anyways) and I like that, it is a whole lot easier to just enjoy the sound, not the words. When there are lyrics over a great sound, and the lyrics are terrible, it makes the whole song so much less enjoyable and kind of ruins it for me. Also, dubstep dancing is so cool looking, seriously. Also, it is really good for fight music in video games. My favorite maker is Skrillex, he’s really good at making dubstep and he makes a lot of dubstep mixes of popular songs. He also has mostly good drops. I really like his songs because they sound like dubstep should, and not like what some people think it is.
 I once saw a funny article that had current singers and bands and compared them to their counterpart in the 90’s and Skrillex got compared to an internet modem.


Monday, October 1, 2012

I Speak Da Interwebs

Herpderp the herp flerp.
That translates to: I do not think the government should provide daycare centers to working parents. The government does not have the money for it, and it is abundantly obvious people do not want to pay for schools, let alone free daycare. People will almost never willingly raise taxes, they have the power to reject it and they do. If the government has daycare centers then they are at risk for the giant lawsuits that people have because their kid fell and got hurt. If the working parents are taken care of in this way by the government, the government would be wasting the money it does not have, and probably will not have in the near future. Also, that takes away money from the american people in a much different way, not only does it take away relatively good babysitters jobs, it also takes away money from nanny services.